Thirteen years ago...

Thirteen years ago Ken and Keira responded to the call into ministry once again. This time they would give up their jobs and jump in with both feet. Their hearts beat for the same thing - seeing university campuses produce leaders that would take the Presence of God into their spheres of influence and lead others to do the same, seeing cultures radically changed for the glory of God...Welcome to their heartbeat...


I remember when I was about to go on my first summer break after a year at university. My cousin had convinced me that doing something meaningful with our holidays was the way to go so we signed up for a 5 week stint on a missionary ship called Doulos. We were living in Frankston at the time, a southern suburb of Melbourne, and my concept of the world was quite limited. Sure, I wanted to make a difference, but I hardly ever broadened my thoughts past...well, Frankston.

My experience on Doulos blew my mind. 300 missionaries from 35 nations living and working together to impact the world one port at a time. Brilliant. My initial stint on the ship took us from Freemantle to Albany, Western Australia, but living in close quarters with so many cultures gave me a new love for the nations. My desire for making a difference had suddenly exploded from Frankston to… the world!

A year later I went back on the ship for 13 months but those stories are for a later date. For now, I want to put this challenge out there to all our university students. In 15 years time when you look back on this holiday break period what will you remember? My advice is - do something you’ll never forget.

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