Thirteen years ago...
Thirteen years ago Ken and Keira responded to the call into ministry once again. This time they would give up their jobs and jump in with both feet. Their hearts beat for the same thing - seeing university campuses produce leaders that would take the Presence of God into their spheres of influence and lead others to do the same, seeing cultures radically changed for the glory of God...Welcome to their heartbeat...
A Picture Captured by God
“But You are always the same;
You will live forever.
The children of Your people will live in security.
Their children’s children will thrive in Your presence.” Psalm 102:27, 28 NLT
I was thinking about how following a dream is similar to taking a photo. Sometimes we see different points that we’d like to focus on and may need to adjust our vision somewhat. Sometimes the subjects we want to include in the photo don’t stay in the one place, or leave the shot altogether! But patience pays off in both cases. And once the final shot is taken, there is immense satisfaction in the finished product. Years ago God promised that He would raise up young men and women from university campuses in Melbourne that would impact the nations for His glory. Thankfully, even though our focus has often been split, and the people we had thought would journey with us have moved on, God has always remained the same. He still has a beautiful picture to capture on campus and I really want to stick around to enjoy it.